I spent over week in California in the middle of May, starting off in San Francisco. I will reserve my comments and Judgement of the state of California to a later post.
I went there with two cameras - I took the Leica M6 (with the Zeiss 50mm Planar T* mounted) and the Canon S90.
With the Leica, I shot a total of rolls, not a lot for eleven days, but there were some keepers. I shot almost exlusively TriX on this trip, but also shot a roll of Fuji Superia 400, which I proceeded to lose.
I also took about 400 shots with the S90 - most of them were crap and suffered from a trigger-happy shutter maniac - after all, it's free. In fact, the S90 shots were so bad that I didn't even want to download them -- it took me two weeks to develop and scan all of the film, but over two months to find the motivation to download (and soon, to delete) the S90 shots.
Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T* |
Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T* |
Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T* |
Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T* |