Monday, September 5, 2011

San Francisco - de Young Museum Fine Arts Museum, May 2011 (16)

I don't usually go to museums. I can never find the patience to look at the description of each item. Whatever descriptions they do provide tend to be on the thin side - not enough to enthus. But there are also too many items and short descriptions to look at - to many to remember. Kind of like the overloading of crappy information that we are exposed to every day.

But then again, I enjoy museums - they are always quiet and allow people to procrastinate in peace. They also allow people like me to watch other people procrastinate.

It also doesn't hurt to be surrounded by the work of the old masters, however little I understand their motivations for creating their lives' work.

Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T*

Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T*

Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T*

Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T*

Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T*

Kodak TriX400 in HC-110 (1+31) 6.5min, Leica M6 + Zeiss 50mm Planar T*

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